Monday, March 31, 2008

Making it to finals

This week has been so busy and misrible! What happened to spring? I'm pretty sure it is suppose to be here by now! It's been snowing every morning since last Wednesday, and every morning I'm upset about it.

All semester I've been working towards a research paper on the New Deal. It's finally close to the end, and although I haven't procrastinated that much, I feel completely stressed about it, all hours of the day. I've spent many night researching and writing.... it has been less than fun! (see Figure 1) Not to mention the rest of my classes that have their own demands. I have plenty of things due this week, followed by plenty of tests, and everyone still expects me to make it to every class. I keep telling myself that I only have a week and a half left, but then I get overwelmed with the amount of time I don't have left. When the semester finally ends, I get to move. I'm trying not to think about that until my finals are over so that I don't divert my attention away from my homework.

We are moving into a new apartment where we will reside until we are done with school at the end of the year. We are excited to have a change in location and look forward to all the frustrations that furniture location bring.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The New Plan

Jarom's brother-in-law Tracy owns a pest control business. He came to us and offered us an opportunity to open a branch of his company in the Denver area. Tracy came up to Rexburg that weekend to go over all the specifics. Tracy’s idea was for Jarom to own the Denver office, and he would pay all the start up costs but it would be Jarom’s job to run it and make it work. Jarom has always wanted to starat his own business, he knows the business, and this opportunity puts us in Denver where we wanted to live. We decided to accept, and we feel very good about the decision.

So now the plan is that Jarom will take extra classes each semester and graduate from BYU-Idaho this December, and then we will move to Denver and start the branch at the beginning of the year. I will not be able to graduate by December so I am going to get a Associates Degree and try to continue my schooling when we move to Denver. I am also looking into Sign Language Interpreting programs in Denver. We are very excited to move back to Denver and be close to my family after being so close to Jarom's family for two years. Be in all honesty, we will miss Jarom's family very much! Hopefully they will come and visit!

The Old Plan

Jarom and I are both attending school right now at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. Both of us are studying History; Jarom with a minor in Geography, and me with a minor in Political Science. We go to school in the winter (January to April) and summer (April to end of July). Furing the fall we move down to Utah and work for Jarom's brother-in-law, Tracy. If we follow this routine, we will both graduate Summer (July) of 2009. Although the semesters ahead will not be easy, it will be nice to be done!

After our degrees, Jarom will continue on to law school, and I will tag along for the ride. Jarom is hoping to get into a Top Ten law school to receive his training in business law. We wouldn't mind moving closer to the east coast for law school since both of us are from the west, but eventually we want to end up back in this region to be close to family (and enjoy no humidity).

To Blog or Not To Blog

Well, after much debate and push from people, we have started our blog. Gulp! Now the question is, can we do it successfully? Due to the fact that our lives have become so confusing recently and have no hopes of simplified we decided to share and hope that you can all understand what is going on. Let me know if it gets too confusing!